Accounts Online takes very seriously the handling and processing of your confidential banking information when connecting you to the Australian MYOB BankLink software. As part of this process we need to get you to complete a number of forms to join our fast growing service.
When completing these forms the Banks have asked that you DO NOT USE BLACK INK PENS so please use another colour.
AUD MYOB BankLink Secure form (office use only)
FORM 1: Customer Details
This helps us to keep in touch with you.
Please ensure you complete your address details by entering your postal code.
This contract is valid for a 36 month minimum period. As the cost of our service is based on the volume of transactions we purchase from your bank(s) we would like to bring to your attention review clause (2) as detailed on the Tax Invoice (Form2).
Transaction Per Month | Subscription (Excluding GST) |
0 – 100 | $48.00 |
101 – 200 | $58.00 |
201 – 300 | $65.00 |
301 + | P.O.A |
Small entity with 0-50 transactions the price is $25.00
Please add $7.00 for each additional bank account to the above subscriptions. Note: There is no cost for the software
AUD BankLink Secure form (office use only)
FORM 2: Tax Invoice
This is your initial tax invoice for your monthly subscription and an estimate of your training and connection fees.
Connections Fees – $AUD25.00 connection fee (GST excl.) for each bank account
Installation and Training – we estimate 4 hours at $AUD140 per hour plus GST. Actual charge based on actual hours taken.
Travel, Accommodation & Rental Car Costs – This is to provide a contribution towards your trainers costs when they travel. This has been set at $150 plus GST.
Historical Data Entry – Depending on which bank you are with as to how far back you can access your data; historical data can be imported once we have some downloaded data.
PS: If you are a proficient computer user, the above time frame could be shortened if discussed with us.
FORM 3: Third Party Authority
If you use more than one bank then you need to complete a separate Third Party Authority for each account. You can however, place more than one bank account on each of these forms as long as they are with the same branch. If you operate a Bartercard, visa or farming account you will need to complete a separate Third Party Authority for each account as well. Information required on this form is:
I. Name of Bank Account in the Name of Account section
II. Bank Account Number in the Account Number section
III. Name of Bank and Branch in the To: The Manager section
IV. A Starting Date (ASAP for the day is okay, plus the month and year)
V. My/Our advisors is – Accounts Online in association with Wayne J Campbell & Associates
VI. Your signature (s) above the line where it states (Signature of third party). If two signatures are required for your cheques we need two signatures here.
VII. Leave blank the Signature confirmed section for your Bank to complete. Do not take this to your bank for signing. MYOB BankLink will organise this with your bank.
IMPORTANT: When you change bank accounts, or visa accounts please let us know by email what account numbers you have stopped. To add your new bank account so the data can track, print off a MYOB BankLink Third Party Form and enter your Secure code from your MYOB BankLink file at the top of the form. To obtain your Secure code please contact us
FORM 4: Bartercard Authority for Automatic Payment
For Bartercard Members Only. This is due for payment on the 20th of each month
Automatic Payment: Please set up an Automatic payment form at your local bank branch
Please return ALL forms to:
Accounts Online Processing Centre
PO Box 83104
Wellington 6440
Scan or fax forms to +64 9 5239226, and post the MYOB BankLink third party FORMS ONLY to BankLink Australia (address at the top right of the form.)
If you need any help to complete these forms or have any questions that need urgent attention please email
or call our help desk +64 4 4999035