MYOB BankLink Upgrade and NZ Accounting Software

Download Instructions


To download BankLink click on the following link: Download Software and select the RUN option.

  1. Then once it is completed a prompt will come up so click on NEXT, accept licence, and follow the rest of the prompts.
  2. Select the [C:] drive and highlight the bk5 folder you created in 1.above. Then press OPEN.
  3. To complete download to this location press SAVE.
  4. Double click on the BankLink shortcut and then select FILE/PREFERENCES/ and take the tick out of the 4th box which says “Allow client files to be checked out”. Then click on the Backup tab, and then click on the third tab which says “Prompt me for a backup directory”. It is best to use a memory stick for backing up.
  5. To create a shortcut on your desktop for the BankLink software, locate your Bk5 folder under the C:\ drive and right click on the bk5win.exe program that you have just installed and choose SEND TO then SEND TO DESKTOP AS A SHORTCUT. Now wasn’t that easy?